HOW and WHY do companies choose brand colors?

Is it because the business owner LOVES a certain color? There's really a bit more into the process than just "loving" a color. Color psychology has proven that different colors emote different feelings.

Check out the chart below and all the recognizable, popular logos.


Colors are not random. Colors emit different emotions and feelings. Power, trust, energy, fun, respect, etc. Just because you like hot pink, doesn't mean that hot pink fits your brand. Check out what different colors represent in a brand:

After looking through the colors above, how and what colors would you choose to represent your brand?

Pick one primary color, one secondary color and at least one accent colors. Avoid using more than 5 total colors in your brand.

Below are a few COLOR PALETTES I have created. There are so many colors that can be paired together to make your brand recognizable and stick. Pinterest is a great place to look for color palettes around the colors you choose.